Monday, September 25, 2006

One of my "student" wrote this. It is a replica according to the best of my memory. Enjoy!

一天,小青蛙和小公主去菜市场买东西。小青蛙问小公主你要吃什么,小公主说:“我要吃榴莲!” 小青蛙说;“不好,榴莲不好吃,很臭!以后不要带你来菜市场了。” 小青蛙说:“你去买一个东西给我,我去买一个东西给你。十分钟后见。”

十分钟后,小青蛙和小公主见面。小青蛙说;“你把东西拿出来先。” 小公主就拿出一个盒子。“是榴莲蛋糕!” 小青蛙的脸色变白。小青蛙说:“这个玩笑开得很好。” “骗你的。这个是给我吃的。我买了炸香蕉给你。” 小公主又说:“我的呢?” 小青蛙便拿出了一样东西。是香肠!“我要!”小公主说。

小青蛙说:“不是给你吃的。是我的。” 小公主说:“这个玩笑开得不好。我不管,我要!现在就要!”

bluishangel on 7:11 PM

Monday, September 11, 2006
Young Preachers' Contest

Yes, I got into the second round! Young Preachers' Contest is a contest where each tribe sends in max 2 participants to preach. The winner gets to have a 1 year understudy with Pastor Khong!!!!! Wooh!!!! That's a dream come true man. I always have high regard for my spiritual father. The experience was really good, I enjoyed it tremendously. I entered this contest because I wanted to feel how it was like preaching on the pulpit. After all, one day I will be there. After SOL 3, there was an opportunity to preach but I didnt dare to sign up because I felt that I wasn't ready for this. But this time, I wanted to challenge myself, to push myself out of the comfort zone and try something new.

I enjoyed every moment from preparation to executing it. Was I kan cheong? You bet! But all thanks to my tribe and friends, they were there to give me the support much needed. The selection was very much like Singapore Idol, except that there was no voting required. The pastors aka judges will comment one by one on your performance; what you have done well and what can you improve on. After that, they selected the top 12 (6 guys and 6 girls) into round 2 according to the scores. There will be 2 wild cards introduced too. Hmm....interesting.

I'm looking forward to Round 2. Hopefully I get into the finals where the finalists will get to preach during 288 Leaders' Meeting! Exciting!!!

bluishangel on 12:25 PM