Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Hamster Talk
Of cos hamsters can't talk. But God can speak thru hamsters.Incident no 1.
I was kindda upset about my honours project. So as usual, I sat beside the cage and talked to them to relieve stress, as if they could understand my emotions. Interestingly God spoke. Do you think they are happy? I think they are. They seem like they have no worries. Everyday just eat, sleep, play the wheel, eat, sleep, play the wheel. Why do you think they are happy? Cos they have no worries. Why dont they have worries? Cos we provide for them. There's food, water, shelter. What's there to worry about? Are you happy? I'm not sure God. I'm worried about the project. Why are you worried? Don't I provide for you, just like your family provide for the hamsters? ....... There was no reply from me, but I had my burning questions in my mind answered.
Mat 6: 25 Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, waht you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
Incident no 2.
Again, I was sitting beside the cage, talking to them. This time, I was observing the things they were doing. Some are sleeping, some running the wheel, some eating, some grooming themselves, etc. In my mind I was thinking aloud, "What a boring life!!!" Dont you think they lead a pretty boring lifestyle, with no books to read, no tv to watch, no internet? But come to think of it, my life is pretty boring too. Wake up, go to work, do some stuff, come back, sleep. There is morning and there is evening - the next day.
God spoke. Do you enjoy watching them do all these boring stuff? Of yes, of cos I do. I mean they are really cute. Though they do the same old thing everyday, and they dont perform tricks to entertain me. But lo and behold, I do enjoy watching them.
Do you think I enjoy watching you do your "so-called" boring stuff? Erm, you mean you enjoy watching me sleep, brush my teeth, eat my food, watch tv and stuff? Yes of cos. Just like you enjoy your hamsters do their stuff. I created you. Of cos I will enjoy watching my creation. Wow God, I didnt think you enjoy that. Indeed, God is not looking at what we can do for him, he is more interested we dwelling in his presence.