Sunday, April 02, 2006
Rat race - Am I supposed to be in or out?

Today I attended a course on SL. It was cool. Way too cool! Now that it's all quiet in the night, it's time to do some pensive thoughts. At the reflection, we were told to reflect on the rat race. We are in this world, but not of the world. The world tells us that we have to be in the rat race in order to survive. Rat race promises us bread on the table, acceptance in this social world, stability and probably fame, wealth and glory. That sounds cool to some. But the bible stated so clearly that these are considered RUBBISH. When compared to the glory of God and winning his souls, these have to 靠边站. I totally agree with the bible and have no doubt that every word is the TRUTH and the only truth and is breathed by God. Yes, that's what I tell my girls too, that studies, your BGR, money, they amount to NOTHING at the end of the day. Souls and the word of God stands till eternity and hence our focus has to be right.

However, if we are totally out of the rat race to earn our keep by climbing the career ladder, how am I going to bring the meat home? I guess then, the issue is your values. What rules your life? Is your life only surrounded by running the meaningless rat race, trying to keep up the pace, so that your wheel doesnt stop spinning? There is no purpose and you dont even know why you are on this race? Or your eyes are fixed on Jesus, God, who is your provider. No doubt we have to be part of the rat race to keep our living, but understand that God ultimately is your provider and if he calls us to walk the path less taken, your answer should be, Yes Lord, here I am. Yes Lord, here I am.

I guess I'm happy with my answer, until the Lord show me more.

bluishangel on 1:00 AM