Friday, March 31, 2006
A funny dialogue
This is an interesting dialogue between me and Sapo Feo. Sapo Feo, if you are reading this, please dont mind ok. Just for laughs.SF: Thy highness, the Princess of the kingdom of XX, whenth and whereth shall we meeteth on Sat?
Me: We are meeting YY place at YY time.....
SF: Oki doki. So, we are having our dinner there?
Me: Ok donkey, you can pack your dinner in if you wish.
SF: So we're all bringing food in. Only now then you say. I could have added that in all the smses I sent. You donkey lah :D
Me: How dare you call the princess donkey! Don't you let the princess see you roaming in her kingdom!
SF: Sounds more like an evil princess. Wah I scared 8)
Me: Oh, I am going to jog this evening at the stadium. Finally!
SF: You mean they are going to put a red carpet for you?
Me: *Note this part* There is already a red carpet with 8 lines!
I wonder what Sapo Feo's reaction was, but to me, that was really funny. Ok lame. Whatever.