Monday, May 29, 2006
I am a woman and I enjoy being one

Wanted to post this since I came back from Malacca. Malacca re-encounter was great. It was great knowing the people in EJ 288. So inspired by them. When it's time to run for the Lord, they fought to their best. When it's time to let loose and play, they play really hard. I had fun time knowing the Jaspers!!! Jaspers are cool people. Had so much fun. Didn't know that Pastor Jimmy and Pastor Debra are such fun-loving people.

During the retreat, the highlight was in Gen 1: 27.
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.
What a simple verse, yet so meaningful and powerful.

Firstly, we are created by God. Let's clear all misconceptions that we are birthed out of rubbish bins. Hello, did you hear that, we are created by God!!! The same God that created the heavens and the earth, the hamsters, roses, stars. And he didn't forget us, he created you and me.

Secondly, we are created in the image of God. Cool, I'm sure God looks really handsome. Wow, in his image, with all his qualities and characteristics. And yes, we talked about the 12 characteristics of a Godly woman.

Thirdly, we are created as male and female. This to me is the most ministering verse. Many a times, the society forgot that females exist. They are crushed in the spirit by the competitiveness and their feminity are demeaned.

The exciting part was the dinner banquet. We were paired up with a brother-in-Christ as our dinner and dance partner. Prior to the banquet, we were front loaded that it is alright to dance with a brother. Father danced with daughters, Sons with mothers. Splendid.

The brothers came and fetched us, gave us a rose with our name on it and ushered us into the ballroom. Throughout the night, we were treated like princesses. They served us our portion of food, attended to all our requests, affirmed our beauty and invited us to a dance. We ended the night with worship, giving thanks to the Lord.

I thanked God for the dinner for it brought me to my acknowledgement that I am a woman and I enjoy being one. It is alright to be treated like a princess. In fact, it was very ministering. And, not all male-female relationships have to be romantically linked. Yes, there can be brotherly-sisterly relationships. The key is handling it with maturity.


bluishangel on 5:27 PM